I fell into the sign business when I was 19 and out of a job.
An elderly sign painter hired me and I quickly realized how varied and interesting the sign business was. Back in the late 1970’s, everything was hand done…no computer technology.
I’ve hung on to the skills I learned back then and added some technology….but, admittedly, the thing we strive to do best, is listen to a customer and fill their needs.
We develop ideas for you and take them to completion…be it a storefront sign, a vehicle lettered, a custom sign for your home, a logo for your business, a mural for your wall, or an unusual furniture piece for your room. We do a lot of interesting things you would not expect to be a part of the sign business.
In fact, one of our favorite focuses is making “antique-look” signage.
Tell us what you want….I’m confident that we can help you get it!
712 E. Alsobrook St. #10
Plant City, Fl 33563
813-754-1764office / 813-716-8351cell